this is stever one of your new blog followers.
ok here is my 1750 list. the purpose of this list is not really to win tournaments, it's just for fun and hopefully somewhat competitive. BTW i am a new 40k player. thanks for your comments on my list
the idea is to reserve everything and use the autarch +1 roll for a second turn semi-alpha strike concentrated on whatever section of the opponents army appears weaker or has less units. also to run away and shoot, and create my own cover saves for my units with turbo-boosting.
also eldar aren't very good at close combat assaults because of their closed top transports and there's much more stronger assault units in other armies in general so my plan is to avoid all assaults with my speed and just shoot at them.
eldrad is in a transport to protect him and give him more range on 3! psychic casts
fire dragons for AV14 tank busting, Fire Prisms for AV12 and under busting, also for tankshocking/contesting
2 vyper squads with 21 S6 shots each for shooting down hordes and infantry, these will be guided by eldrad
warlocks have embolden to keep the group from running, witchblades to crack open av11 transports, or surround them so the troops inside can't get out
Eldrad Ulthran205
Fire Dragons 8W.Serpent 1 90 spirit stones +10, shuriken cannon, +10, TL Scatter Laser +15, Star Engines +15 130
Autarch 1 70 jetbike +30, laser lance, fusion gun, mandiblaster, grenades
Jetbikes 3 22 shuriken cannon +10 76
Warlock 1 45 singing spear +3, embolden +5 53
Jetbikes 3 22 shuriken cannon +10 76
Warlock 1 45 singing spear, embolden 53 Troop3
Jetbikes 3 22 shuriken cannon +10 76
Warlock 1 45 singing spear, embolden 53
Vyper 1 45 shuriken cannon +10, scatter laser +15 70
Vyper 1 45 shuriken cannon +10, scatter laser +15 70
Vyper 1 45 shuriken cannon +10, scatter laser +15 70
Vyper 1 45 shuriken cannon +10, scatter laser +15 70
Vyper 1 45 shuriken cannon +10, scatter laser +15 70
Vyper 1 45 shuriken cannon +10, scatter laser +15 70
F.Prism 1 115 spirit stones +10, shuriken cannon, +10, holofields +35 170
F.Prism 1 115 spirit stones +10, shuriken cannon, +10, holofields +35 170
total 1750
reply out:
Nice list, I see you're a fellow Vyper fan! I normally run about 4, and also with the strength 6 shots ftw!
Now, to start...
Use that famous Eldar Speed to nip around the back / side armour and pour those str 6 shots into them. Strength 6 fire will make a mess of most enemy transports and this is where Vypers shine.
Vypers being so easy to take down, thanks to open-topped and AV10 need protection. Your Waveserpent can position itself in front of them using Star Engines when the shooting is done, for that magic cover save. The great benefits of being in a squadron is that you get a 'free' spirit stones (ignore crew shaken), and more importantly, only 50per cent of the models need to be in cover to claim the cover save for the entire unit.
I'd recommend going for 3xunits of 2. Easy to get cover for the entire unit, and more units on the table are always a good thing - a unit of 3 would probaby be overkill vs vehciles.
Eldrad can fortune two units at once, so that will certainly give you the edge in objective games when you need your scoring units up. Your Autarch will give you +1 to reserve rolls, which comes in handy vs Alpha-strike armies like Imperial Guard who can decimate opponents in the first few turns. If you decide not to reserve anything, and you're going first, make use of Eldrad's Divination - he lets you reposition d3+1 units - so that's a minimum of 2 units. This way, you can 'trick' your opponent into deploying units to counter yours, while you then reposition them elsewhere. Handy for isolating enemy units at the start of the game.
Your jetbike squads are too small, and will fold to enemy fire even with Embolden up, so you need to get those numbers up! Drop Holofields on the Fire Prisms (it's generally not needed), and downgrade the scatter laser on your Waveserpent to a shuriken cannon. That gives you 75 points.
That way, you can add numbers to both jetbike squads and bring them both up to 6-man units, even better.
It's best to keep both Fire Prisms at opposite sides of the table - remember, they only have to draw line of sight to each other for the linked shot. This will give you a huge thread range for the template. If any marines venture out of cover, lay down a str 6 ap3 blast for fun!
The autarch can split from his squad to go tankhunting, or his entire squad can accompany the fire dragons for support. Claim an objective with one squad of bikes, contest with everything else.
I must say, your list looks like a lot of fun, hope it works out for you :)
1 comment:
thanks a bunch Iggy! I'm gonna keep working on building it!
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